In April 2017 our project directors Kate Fisher and Jana Funke travelled to Australia to contribute to a workshop “Medical Humanities: The Research-Teaching Nexus” with colleagues at the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities (IASH), University of Queensland.
Papers Given
Age difference and the emergence of gendered models of sexuality in European sexual science?
Our project directors, Professor Kate Fisher and Dr Jana Funke spoke at the conference Histoires de la sexologie / Histories of sexology conference, University of Lausanne, 12th December 2016. Their paper was on ‘Age difference and the emergence of gendered models of sexuality in European sexual science?’.
This paper explores the centrality of ideas about youth and sexuality, sexual corruption and age-structured sexual relationships to the emergence and shape of European sexology. We argue that alongside and informing the emergence of an understanding of sexuality that divided people according to a gendered binary (homosexual/heterosexual) was a series of contested debates about youth and sexuality. Indeed the very category of the homosexual, defined by his/her attraction to an individual (of any age) but of the same sex was, in part, a response to the need to distinguish homosexuality from age-unequal relationships, that were increasingly seen as unacceptable. Our paper also puts cross-European dialogue under the microscope. Some of the tensions informing the emergence of gendered models of sexuality were locally specific (e.g. the Oscar Wilde trials, British public school scandals, the German Knaben-Liebe movement), whereas others (e.g. the study of texts and materials from ancient Greece, debates about the age of consent, etiological questions about the extent to which homosexuality was a matter of influence and corruption) were influential across Europe and discussed in European meetings and congresses. The challenges of facing appropriate methodologies for writing about European connections and European differences in the writing of European sexology is thus a key question that our paper will consider.
Sex, Science and Ethnography: Magnus Hirschfeld in China
Our project director, Professor Kate Fisher spoke at the conference Global Perspective: Dialogues between West and East on History of Medicines, International Center for Studies of Chinese Civilization, Fudan 2nd – 3rd September 2016. Her paper was on ‘Sex, Science and Ethnography: Magnus Hirschfeld in China’.
Trans* History Meets the History of Sexology: Interrogating the Past, Engaging Communities
Our project director, Dr Jana Funke, and Engaged Research Fellow, Dr Jen Grove, spoke at the conference Moving Trans* History Forward 2016 – Building Communities* Sharing Connections, University of Victoria, Canada, 17-20th March 2016. Their paper was on ‘Trans* History Meets the History of Sexology: Interrogating the Past, Engaging Communities’.
Sexology, the scientific study of sexuality, emerged in the nineteenth century and powerfully shaped modern trans* histories. Sexology is mainly remembered for its ‘medicalisation’ of trans* bodies, but early sexologists also studied gender diversity from broader historical, anthropological and literary perspectives. Drawing on our research on this cross-disciplinary dimension of sexology, our presentation asks how we can engage trans* communities to explore the overlapping histories of trans* and sexology. We examine recent exhibitions that have dealt with this relationship and reflect on our own engaged research, e.g. as part of Transvengers, a project that empowered young trans* adults to interrogate different historical sexological understandings of trans*. We will ask what can be gained by turning to the history of sexology and conclude by calling for innovative cross-disciplinary and collaborative methods that allow us to explore the past to think through gender and sexuality today.
Sexual Science Beyond the Medical
Our project directors Professor Kate Fisher and Dr Jana Funke spoke at the Medical History Seminar, University of Warwick, 12 May 2015 on ‘Sexual Science Beyond the Medical’.
Desiring the Past: Archaeology, History and the Emergence of Western Sexual Science
Sexual Science, Modernism and the Politics of Anti-Victorianism
Sexual Science, Global Histories and Anthropology
Our project directors Professor Kate Fisher and Dr Jana Funke were invited to give the keynote presentation at Towards a Global History of Sexual Science, 1880-1950, The Leslie Center for the Humanities, Dartmouth College , July 2013.
Their paper was titled ‘Let Us Leave the Medical Consulting Room: Let Us Make a Journey Round the World: Sexual Science, Global Histories and Anthropology’.
Translating the Past: Havelock Ellis as Historian
The Reception of Rome in English Sexology
Our project director, Dr Jana Funke and key collaborator, Professor Rebecca Langlands, spoke at the international conference,“The Reception of Rome and the Construction of Western Homosexual Identities”, Durham, 16th-18th April 2012. Their paper was on ‘The Reception of Rome in English Sexology‘, and they have contributed a chapter to the volume which developed from this meeting.