Dr Jana Funke and Dr Ina Linge took visitors from the University of Exeter on a tour of the historical Institute of Sexology in Berlin, recreated using images and other sources from their research.
Public Engagement
Transformations and Adventures in Time and Gender
We were awarded a Wellcome Research Enrichment – Public Engagement grant for a 2-year public engagement and impact project.
The Cause from Dreadnought SouthWest
Our project director Jana Funke took part in a Post-Show Panel of a performance of The Cause, a play about the history of women’s suffrage, from Dreadnought SouthWest. The panel also featured Julia Neville (Historian) and Playwright Natalie McGrath. Chaired by Josie Sutcliffe.
Read more about The Cause and its Southwest 2018 schedule here.
To our wonderful panel of phenomenal women & to the audience who stayed to hear them speak: @Rosball @DrJanaFunke @jfneville1 – Thank you! Wonderfu to learn more about your work. Let’s continue the conversation. pic.twitter.com/THFXXjvXoR
— DreadnoughtSW (@DreadnoughtSW) May 23, 2018
Public Engagement Knowledge Exchange Workshop
In March 2018 two of our project postdocs Jen Grove and Ina Linge organised a workshop at the University of Exeter to bring together colleagues from the UK and Germany to share knowledge and experiences of working on projects with young people in the area of sex, sexuality, gender, education, health, and involving museums, collections and exhibitions. The workshop was co-hosted by the Rethinking Sexology project and the Sex and History project.
You, Dear Doctor, Are My Only Rescue!
In March 2018 the Rethinking Sexology team hosted an event dedicated to the history of sexuality and sexual science in Poland. Continue reading
Expressing Sex: An Informal Workshop for Young People (16-25)
How did people in the past express their sexuality and gender? What can a photograph from the nineteenth century, scientific data from the 1900s, a statue from the ancient world, or a novel written by someone in the 1920s tell us about sexuality and gender in the past? How did people living decades and centuries ago make sense of their own “identities”? How do people today think and speak about sexuality and gender, and how might looking to history help us to express ourselves now? Continue reading
LGBT+ Objects website

One of Freud’s favourite objects was a bronze statuette of Athena
Rethinking Sexology is collaborating with the Sex & History project and museums across the country on a new website which uses objects from the past for discussing gender and sexual diversity today.
Across the UK, collections hold many objects which reveal to us the diversity of ideas about gender and sexuality throughout world history. Continue reading
Sex in Six Objects workshop on Freud’s collection
Our project director Dr Jana Funke and Engaged Research Fellow Dr Jen Grove together with Dr Ina Linge and Dr Marie Kolkenbrock (Cambridge), facilitated this workshop with the Freud Museum London.
Sex in Six Objects workshop on the Roman “penis pot”
Our project director Dr Jana Funke and Engaged Research Fellow Dr Jen Grove organised this workshop with Imogen Gunn, curator at the Museum of Archaeology Anthropology (MAA), Cambridge.
Young people aged 16-25 were given special access to the museum’s intriguing Roman “penis pot” plus a selection of similar artefacts from the past, and explored how objects like these have helped people in the modern world to think about sexuality.
This event was organised jointly by the Rethinking Sexology project and the Sex and History project at the University of Exeter.
In was part of Sex in Six Objects, a series of workshops for young people investigating the history of sexuality in six objects.
This workshop caused quite a flurry of media activity, such as in Mail Online and Cambridge News articles.
Screen Talk: The Danish Girl – LGBT History Month 2016 Special Event
As part of LGBT HIstory Month 2016 the Rethinking Sexology team and Screen Talks organised a special screening of The Danish Girl (2015), the story of Lili Elbe (1882-1931) a trans woman living in early 20th century Denmark.
Two expert speakers introduced the film:
Our project director Dr Jana Funke spoke on the role of sexual science in developing ideas about transgender identities in the 1920s and 1930s.
Wendy Benstead, costumier of stage and screen discussed her role in making costumes for The Danish Girl and depicting gender in costume, clothes and historical film and theatre.