Author Archives: Jennifer Ellen Grove

Interdisciplinary Histories Conference, 13th & 14th February 2017

The conference keynote speakers Dr Des Fitzgerald (Cardiff University) and Professor Felicity Callard (Durham University) spoke on “Power and Affect in Interdisciplinary Space”

The first Rethinking Sexology conference examined dynamics of interdisciplinary exchange and collaboration from a historical perspective. It asked what can be gained by exploring moments, sites and traditions of dialogue across disciplines, fields of knowledge and forms of expertise in the past. Continue reading

Age difference and the emergence of gendered models of sexuality in European sexual science?

Our project directors, Professor Kate Fisher and Dr Jana Funke spoke at the conference Histoires de la sexologie / Histories of sexology conference, University of Lausanne, 12th December 2016. Their paper was on ‘Age difference and the emergence of gendered models of sexuality in European sexual science?’.


This paper explores the centrality of ideas about youth and sexuality, sexual corruption and age-structured sexual relationships to the emergence and shape of European sexology. We argue that alongside and informing the emergence of an understanding of sexuality that divided people according to a gendered binary (homosexual/heterosexual) was a series of contested debates about youth and sexuality. Indeed the very category of the homosexual, defined by his/her attraction to an individual (of any age) but of the same sex was, in part, a response to the need to distinguish homosexuality from age-unequal relationships, that were increasingly seen as unacceptable. Our paper also puts cross-European dialogue under the microscope. Some of the tensions informing the emergence of gendered models of sexuality were locally specific (e.g. the Oscar Wilde trials, British public school scandals, the German Knaben-Liebe movement), whereas others (e.g. the study of texts and materials from ancient Greece, debates about the age of consent, etiological questions about the extent to which homosexuality was a matter of influence and corruption) were influential across Europe and discussed in European meetings and congresses. The challenges of facing appropriate methodologies for writing about European connections and European differences in the writing of European sexology is thus a key question that our paper will consider.

Provisional Programme for Global Perspective: Dialogues between West and East on History of Medicines

Provisional Programme for Global Perspective: Dialogues between West and East on History of Medicines

The First Day 9th September – Guanghua West Tower, Room 701 9:00-17:30

Opening: 9:00-9:15
Chair: Gao Xi History Department, Fudan University
Welcoming Speech: Jin Guangyao, Director of the International Center for the Study of Chinese Civilization

1) A Global Perspective: History of Medicine in East and West (I), 9:15-10:15
Chair: Angela Ki-che Leung (Hong Kong Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, The University of Hong Kong)
Zhang Daqing (Institute of Medicine and Humanities, Peking University)
“The backwards-and-forwards in the History of Medicine Sturdy ”
Jiang Zhushan (History Department, National Dong Hwa University)
“Global Perspective on the Research of Medical History”

10:15-10:40 Tea and Coffee Break & Group Photo

2) A Global Perspective: History of Medicine in East and West (II), 10:40-12:00
Chair: Bridie Andrews (Department of History, Bentley University)
Yu Xinzhong (Key Research Institute of Social History of China, Nankai University)
“Microhistory and the Historical Study on Medicine in China”
Liu Bing (Institute of Science, Technology and Society, Tsinghua University)
“The Contribution of the History of Ethnic Minorities Medicine for the Medical History Writing – The Example of Mongolian Medicine”
Iris Borowy (College of Liberal Arts, Shanghai University)
“Global Health in Relation to Sustainable Development”

12:00-14:00 Lunch Time

3) Disease and Health: Different Cognition between West and East, 14:00-15:30
Chair: Zhang Daqing (Institute of Medicine and Humanities, Peking University)
Angela Ki-che Leung (Hong Kong Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, The
University of Hong Kong)
“Strategies of a Biomedical Hospital in 19th-century Canton: Materiality Advertized in
Qizheng lueshu《奇症略述》 (Brief Account of Extraordinary Clinical Patterns)”
Gaoxi (History Department, Fudan University)
“New Medicine and State Medicine: Two orientations in the Construction of Modern
Chinese Medicine ”

Zheng Hong (Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine)
“Disease: its conception and Chinese Medicine History writing ”

15:30-15:45 Tea and Coffee Break

4) Use of the Same Drugs by Different Medical Traditions around the World, 15:45-17:00

Chair: Chen Ming (Research Center of Eastern Literature, Peking University)
Wang Zhenguo (Institute of Literature in Chinese Medicine, Shandong University of Traditional
Chinese Medicine)
“Explanations of Bencao: Traditional Theories and Modern Transformations on Chinese
Zhu Jianping (Institute of Literature in Chinese Medical History, China Academy of Chinese
Medical Sciences)
“When the TCM interacts with the WM: a comparative study of the uses of Artemisia
carvifolia and Artemisinin”
Hu Yingchong (Shanghai Literature Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine)
“From Traditional Bencao to Modern Chinese Drugs – Transformations in the Discipline of
Chinese Pharmaceutics (1911-1963)”
The Second Day, 3rd September – Guanghua West Tower, Room 701 9:00-17:30
5) Acupuncture in China and West, the Past and Present, 9:00-10:30
Chair: Kate Fisher (Department of History University of Exeter)
Bridie Andrews (Department of History, Bentley University)
“Acupuncture: An Essential Tool for Investigating Pain”
David Luesink (Department of History, University of Pittsburgh)
“How Chinese Medicine Became Anatomical”
Zhang Shujian (Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine)
“New or Old: The Shift of Ms. Zhu-Lian and New Acupuncture in 1950’s China”
Zhang Xiaoli (School of Humanities Arts and Social Sciences, Anhui Medical University)
“The medical activities of missionary hospitals in modern China and its influence on the
spread of Western Medicine – A case study of several church hospitals in the Anhui area of
the Republic of China”

10:30-10:45 Tea and Coffee Break

6) Sexology, Gender and History of Medicine, 10:45-12:00
Chair: Chen Yan (Department of History, Fudan University)
Kate Fisher (Department of History, University of Exeter)
“Sex, Science and Ethnography: Magnus Hirschfeld in China”
Leon Rocha (Department of History, University of Liverpool)
“Sexology in the Tabloids: The Case of Zhou Yueran (1885-1962)”
Guo Qi (Department of History, University of Exeter)
“New Knowledge, Better Knowledge? Translating Homosexuality into Chinese?”
Min Fanxiang (Department of History, Nanjing University)
“On the Therapy of “Making An Embryo to Grow Up Into A Boy: A Discussion from the
perspective of Socio-Cultural History of Medicine”

12:00-14:00 Lunch Time

7) The East & West Pharmaceutical Culture 14:00-15:30
Chair: Wang Zhenguo (Institute of Literature in Chinese Medicine, Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine)
Chen Ming (Research Center of Eastern Literature, Peking University)
“Sini: the writing and use of Chinese Materia Medica in the middle age Islamic texts”
Dong Shaoxin (National Institute for Advanced Humanistic Studies, Fudan University)
“Medical Cultural Exchanges Between Beijing and St. Petersburg before 18th Century”
Sean Hsiang-lin Lei (Academia Sinica)
“Housewives as Kitchen Pharmacists: Dr. Chuang Shu Chih, Gendered Identity, and Traditional Medicine in East Asia”
Zhang Zhongmin (Department of History, Fudan University)
“Liang Qichao and his Critics to Erotic Books”

15:30-15:45 Tea and Coffee Break

8) Rethinking of the Medical History Writing 15:45-17:00
Chair: Zhang Yongan (College of Liberal Arts, Shanghai University)
Wataru Iijima (School of Humanities, Aoyama Gakuin University)
“A Global Perspectieve: Rethinking of the medical history writing”


Global Perspective: Dialogues between West and East on History of Medicines

L0004700 Watercolour, Chinese doctor feeling the pulse of a patient. Credit: Wellcome Library, London. Wellcome Images A doctor taking the pulse of a woman patient, seated at a table. Her wrist is supported on a small red bolster. The doctor touches the pulse only with his finger-tips, without looking at the woman. Watercolour by Zhou Pei Qun, ca. 1890. Watercolour 1890 By: Pei Qun ZhouPublished: - Copyrighted work available under Creative Commons Attribution only licence CC BY 4.0

Watercolour, Chinese doctor feeling the pulse of a patient, Credit: Wellcome Library, London. Wellcome Images


Organised by the International Center for Studies of Chinese Civilization, Fudan with the Rethinking Sexology project, University of Exeter.

Date: 2nd – 3rd September 2016.

Location: International Center for Studies of Chinese Civilization, Fudan.

For full address click here.

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Associate Research Fellowships

**Application for this studentship has now closed**

We’re delighted to announce a call for applications for two full time, three-year postdoctoral fellowships to join our Rethinking Sexology team, from 1st September 2016 until 31st August 2019. Applicants from all humanities and social science fields, engaging with a wide range of approaches, themes and sources are welcome.

The starting salary will be from £26,537 within the Grade E band (£25,769 – £28,982).

For further details and to apply please visit the University of Exeter job pages.

Application closing date: Sunday 3rd July 2016.